You may be wondering: Why is there a page on this blog called ‘Oatspiration’?
Well, I am one of many others on this earth who has a slight obsession with oatmeal. If you have been following my Instagram @sophiedeats or blog, I have made oatmeal in all forms, whether it is simply plain simple stove-top oats, overnight oats, or baked goods such as carrot cake and energy bites.
First of all, oatmeal is seriously one of the most versatile foods ever. They can be made sweet by adding honey and fresh fruit, but can also be prepared savory by adding an over-easy egg and avocado.
Second of all, oatmeal is beneficial to your health and wellness. Over the years, research has shown that oatmeal is known to lower your blood sugar due to their high fiber content and low glycemic index. They are also a great source of vitamins, minerals, & antioxidants.
Third of all, oatmeal is kind to the planet. According to Treehugger, oatmeal is a sustainable crop that helps with soil management within crop rotation. It is also a product that is good for carbon sequestration and reduces emissions. When more plants occupy the soil, more roots are able to hold onto moisture and retain their nutrients. Therefore, when farmers grow more crops like barley and oats (between mass-farmed crops such as soy), the soil benefits - and so does everything grown in it.
Lastly, oatmeal is an extremely affordable product which means if you are on a tight budget, it is the perfect pantry staple. In conclusion, oatmeal is a product that is versatile, healthy, sustainable and affordable. If you are still skeptical about oatmeal, give my recipes a try and you will never look back!