Tropical Acai bowl

A recently discovered obsession of mine: Acai Bowls. 

If you don’t already know what Acai Bowls are, they are essentially blended frozen fruits + a liquid such as coconut water or almond milk that creates a thick, ice-cream like texture. While I was traveling in Hawaii this summer, I got Acai Bowls at Anakes Juice Bar almost every day that my family (especially my brother) got incredibly annoyed at me. 

When I had to leave the amazing garden island and head back home, I knew I had to attempt to recreate these bowls and so today I am presenting you with my homemade, kind-of copycat version of Anake’s Juice Bar’s amazing acai’s. 

Of course my version does not look as beautiful as the ones I got from the juice bar but it tastes almost as good. 


*1 acai packet 

*1/3 cup frozen bananas 

*1/4 cup frozen strawberries 

*1/4 cup frozen blueberries 

*2 tbs greek yogurt 

*1/4 cup coconut water (you can use almond milk but I personally like the taste of acai bowls made with coconut water more) 

Toppings you can add: 


*Chia seeds 


*Coconut flakes 

*Bee pollen 

*Fresh fruit 

*Nut butters 


  1. Place acai, bananas, strawberries, blueberries, greek yogurt, and coconut water in a high speed blender and blend until smooth (sorbet like texture). Pro-tip: If your blender is not super strong, you may have to shake or stir the mixture in order to get everything smooth. 

  2. When blended until smooth texture, place into a bowl and add as many toppings as you would like. I used fresh fruit such as raspberries, strawberries, blueberries, granola, sun butter, and coconut flakes. 

  3. Enjoy!


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